Totton Maths Tutor

MGH-Education is an innovative maths tuition specialist based in Totton, Hampshire.
We offer a selection of topical group sessions, compressed revision courses, 1 to 1 tuition and mathematics study programmes for adults and children of all ages. The programmes and tuition presented are centred on the needs of each individual to ensure no time, effort or money is wasted during the learning experience.
Using modern technology
We use modern computer technologies to create customised study programmes that are complimented by a multitude of learning resources to support your learning style. All resources are available in hard copy or on-line through our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This provides a valuable service for students who live further away, prefer to use technology to learn, have busy lives or experience social or mathematical anxiety.
Our Vision
To maximise potential, you need to apply effort and direction. A student could try as hard as they can; spending many hours going over classroom notes, searching the internet for videos and demo’s and possessing a huge desire to succeed but without effective direction, these efforts could still result in failure to reach their potential. By carrying out diagnostic tests and providing our students with individualised study programmes, we maximise the chances of success by targeting the areas that require improvement and controlling the level of effort being applied. If maximising potential is important to you, contact us now to discuss your options.
As the world continues to develop, employers seek greater assurances that those with a GCSE pass in mathematics are numerate within the modern world we live in. Through a balance of more challenging subject content and more rigorous, less predictable assessment structures, changes were made to GCSE mathematics in 2015 to raise the standards considerably. With only 3% predicted to get the highest grade (grade 9) and all assessments being taken at the end of the two years, these new GCSEs are highly reputable across the globe.
About the tutor

Gary Edwards
Gary is 44 years old, married with 3 children and has a passion for Mathematics and Statistics. He has been employed within training establishments for the last 9 years. By using a variety of modern learning techniques, the skill of explaining very difficult concepts has been perfected by using his experiences to make them simple and easy to understand. Working in a range of different roles within the communication and aviation industries over the last 18 years, Gary has seen the application of mathematical concepts and logical thought processes on a daily basis. Prior to this he spent 4 years working as a mechanic after leaving college, where he concentrated on auto-electronics. By studying in his spare time, he has also attained a variety of academic qualifications including the following: BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics (First Class Honours), BTEC Level 4 Professional Certificate in teaching in the life long learning sector, Level 5 award in Leadership and Management, BTEC NC in Electronic Engineering, NVQ Level 3 in Engineering Maintenance, Advanced Modern Apprenticeship in Engineering and a BTEC ND in Motor Vehicle Engineering. For piece of mind Gary is also DBS checked with an Enhanced DBS Certificate.
So.... what do you already know?
A diagnostic assessment will be carried out during the first few sessions, where the question you're presented with depends on the answer given in the preceding question. We will carefully analyse the results, allowing us to establish what level you’re currently working at in a variety of mathematical areas. This enables us to construct a targeted study programme, based on your objectives and time-scales, guiding you on the journey to achieving your desired goal. A custom made on-line diagnostic exercise has also been developed in our Virtual Learning Environment (V.L.E.), allowing the students to complete the task at their own convenience.
The purpose of this exercise is to save you time, effort and money. By establishing what the student already knows, more time can be spent learning rather than going over topics already mastered. This in turn reduces the amount of time and effort required to get to the level you want to achieve. It also means you will require a reduced number of tutor sessions, saving you money!
The diagnostic exercise can be taken again at various stages during the study programme to monitor progress and make fine adjustments to your study programme if needed.
Reasons to get a maths tutor

After moving schools
Within today's economy, people tend to move around to progress within their careers a lot more than they used to. One of the unfortunate fallouts of this is their children having to move schools and over 300,000 pupils change schools at non-standard times each year. Different schools do not always teach the same topics at the same time of year and can leave a gap in knowledge. For the pupil, this can feel like a very large obstacle and is hard for the school to overcome with such large classes. Tutoring can identify these gaps in knowledge and provide the time and guidance required to overcome these hurdles.

Confidence in the subject being taught can help overcome the reluctance to engage within the classroom, resulting in a more enjoyable learning experience at school and a substantial increase in self-esteem. Some pupils also find it very useful to get ahead in a subject to reduce the levels of stress at school.

Improve your grade
A recent study has highlighted the effectiveness of private tuition, stating that in some cases a 2 grade increase was observed with just 10 hours of one on one tuition

A different learning environment
Not everyone is suited to the classroom learning environment and some find it very difficult to engage, especially in subjects like maths that require a higher level of concentration. Different stimulus can be applied outside the classroom to motivate and capture their imagination.

To improve job opportunities
The following is just a small sample of the multitude of roles requiring good numeracy skills
1. Film animator 2. Special effects director 3. Computer scientist 4. Games designer 5. Forensic scientist 6. Statistician 7. Cryptographer 8. Astronaut 9. Architect 10. Doctor 11. Fashion designer 12. Politician 13. Electronics engineer 14. Radar technician 15. Vehicle mechanic 16. Economist 17. Financial advisor 18. Banking 19. Stockbroker 20. Law 21. Inland revenue official 22. Insurance 23. Astronomer 24. Accountant 25. Meteorologist 26. Actuary 27. Vet 28. Maths teacher 29. Software developer 30. Management and many many more..

To earn more money
Workers that possess sound numeracy skills are generally better paid and progress through their careers much quicker than their co-workers. Avoiding the difficult subject of mathematics only makes things easier in the short term. Master the art of mathematics and logical decisions will become much easier for the rest of your life.
Tuition can be taken on a 1 to 1 basis or as a group. Below are a selection of services available. If you are looking for something slightly different, get in touch and we can discuss your requirements.
- 11+ maths 1 to 1 tutor session - £25 per hour
- GCSE/A Level 1 to 1 tutor session - £35 per hour
- Single topic GCSE study session with 2 hours tuition - £60
- Two day intensive GCSE revision class - £200
- Five day intensive GCSE maths or physics course - £400
- A tailor made study programme can be created following a diagnostic assessment.
- 20% Discount for long term arrangements
50% Discount for public sector workers
Contact us for details
Single topic study sessions
GCSE maths can be broken down into 6 major topics, each with two levels of difficulty. The single topic study session has been designed to revise material contained within one of these 6 major topics at either foundation or higher level. The session will include 2 hours of tuition, revision material and access to on-line study resources including a discussion forum. The session can either be taken at the students home or as part of a small group (2 to 6) in Totton, subject to tutor availability.
The session has been designed to be taken either as a one off or as part of a more comprehensive study programme.
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Two day revision class
The two day revision class will cover as many of the 6 major study topics at foundation level OR higher level that time will allow. The course will include 12 hours of tuition, revision material and access to on-line study resources including a discussion forum. The course can either be taken at the students home or as part of a small group (2 to 6) in Totton, subject to tutor availability.
The course has been designed to be taken either as a one off or as part of a more comprehensive study programme.
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Five day intensive course
GCSE maths can be broken down into 6 major topics, each with two levels of difficulty. The five day intensive course will cover all 6 major study topics at the foundation level OR higher level. The course will include 30 hours of tuition, revision material and access to on-line study resources including a discussion forum. The course can either be taken at the students home or as part of a small group (2 to 6) in Totton, subject to tutor availability.
The course has been designed to be taken either as a one off or as part of a more comprehensive study programme.
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One to One tuition
One to One tuition is highly personalised, where we strike a balance between challenge and support. Current understanding and learning styles are assessed and a personalized study programme is created. This takes into account how much they need to learn and the time-scales involved to give the student the best chance possible of meeting their goal.
During tutorial sessions we will introduce various approaches to problems and overcome any lack of understanding. Emphasis will be given to their preferred learning style to generate focus, motivate and organise study material. An on-line help forum is available to give assistance between tutorial sessions.
Experience has shown that due to this targeted approach, less tutor contact time is normally required to achieve the desired grade compared with pre-prepared topic sessions.
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Study Programmes
The study programmes we generate are highly focused to meet the needs of a particular student, always keeping a sense of realism when setting targets and potential attainment. Material and activities are chosen that will best meet the students learning style and will be arranged into a programme for the student to follow that has either daily, weekly or monthly targets depending on the time-scales available. The material and activities include reading material, exercises, videos, on-line quizzes, real-life problems and some research. Each will be chosen carefully to ensure that the student is challenged sufficiently but not demoralised by the volume of new concepts introduced.